Gorgeous recipe demos and healthy living inspiration
Summer Workshops
Throughout the summer months I will be offering healthy food and living inspiration to companies in-house over lunch or longer food prep sessions.
The Superfoods Lunch-time workshop at Matches Fashion in The Shard was a wonderful way to begin this project. We discussed 6 different superfoods, considered whether this term is all about hype and fashion or is the research more factually based. Discussion continued on how these foods can be used to counteract stress, ageing skin and poor immunity. Can plant-based foods in fact increase longevity levels? Participants were able to ask questions about their own health in order to choose a specific type of ‘superfood’. All importantly, we moved onto recipe advice and some delicious sampling.
With the shocking fact that 12.5 million working days in the UK were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/17, well-being inspiration is a great investment.
Workshops can be modified to suit company needs and are priced up on an individual basis.
Please get in touch for further information or to discuss your bespoke needs.