Spring has arrived. Historically, this season symbolises new beginnings and the prospect of growth. It is a fabulous time to embrace change, to reflect and to recognise any less healthy habits which have crept in over the winter. Here are 3 ideas on wellness areas which commonly need a reset. Let’s stride through this season of renewal with a spring in your step.
Read moreThe Blue Zones. What can we learn from these Long-lived populations?
What can we learn from the Blue Zones. In these longevity zones, a notable number of inhabitants live well into their nineties alongside record numbers of centenarians. But it is not only the length of their lives which is striking, but the considerably lower recorded incidence of the diseases seen in the United States and other more Westernised areas of the world. Comparisons on conditions including Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are staggering
Read moreAkkermansia Muciniphila, Polyphenols and Longevity
How can the gut microbiome play a key role in facilitating healthy aging? Researchers are seeking to identify the precise mechanisms by which our microbes can help us to live longer. Read on to explore the research and understand how adding delicious polyphenol rich foods to your diet may contribute to healthy ageing from gut level.
Read moreHow can alcohol affect your microbiome?
Xmas is often described as ‘the season to be merry’. Though it is well known that alcohol is not without risk and studies show that it can also impact upon the microbiome, leading to potential dysbiosis, especially in excessive amounts.
Read more7 Foods to Include when you are Cleansing the Body
With my trip to Amchara Health in Gozo for a long weekend juice fast just around the corner, I am getting ahead with my food plan and bringing in some ‘cleanse’ focus foods. Whether you are preparing for a health retreat holiday or simply working on refreshing your own diet, these are some great tips.
What to eat when cleansing your body.
There is no official definition of a "detox diet," but when we decide to take time out to rest our bodies and allow for high level nutrition whilst removing the items we know to be detrimental – namely refined sugar, high saturated fats, processed foods, caffeine and alcohol – there are some key foods which will help to support the process.
Read moreKey Areas of Focus For Hormone Balance
I am often asked ‘do you work in female hormones’? Since qualifying in 2010, I have helped 100’s of clients to achieve a better quality of life, 90% of these have been women so the answer is – yes, absolutely.
Hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone, progesterone, adrenaline, thyroid hormones and insulin — are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of our overall health. When hormonal imbalance occurs, we see issues such as infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, weight gain, acne, fertility issues and PMT (to name just a few).
My job is then to assess the client case and work out WHY hormones have become imbalanced. We then work to restore the balance which is so important to longevity.
Read more5 tips to Curb Emotional Eating
The truth is that our natural ability to start and stop eating, involving a vast array of hormones, peptides, and stomach receptors, can be overridden by emotion.
Often powerful cravings for highly palatable foods (those containing high fats and refined sugars) or alcohol occur when we are feeling stressed. Stress encompasses heavy emotional states, loneliness, worry, self-doubt, or anxiety. The physiology behind the stress reaction involves the release of cortisol which triggers our bodies to create and crave fuel with immediacy. Sugary carbohydrates serve as a quick fix for the stress reaction therefore we may well find ourselves reaching for a sugary snack with a level of remarkable determination.
Read more5 Tips on Avoiding a Bloated Christmas Day
It’s a classic situation. Most of us have been there. Having spent hours, days, weeks or potentially the whole year dreaming of a wonderful Christmas day – we end up with food coma, collapsed on the sofa with a degree of discomfort.
There are some simple and easy ways to avoid this. We can enjoy the indulgences of Christmas without the agony of gastro-intestinal distress or the requirement for antacids.
Read moreThe Indisputable Benefits of Regular Sauna Bathing
During my time at Amchara Retreat in Gozo this month I made good use of the sauna spending most evenings in a state of warm and wonderful sauna bliss.
It feels so incredibly good to be warm and relaxed with intermittent trips to the cold shower. Do we need research to explain that this process is good for us? Well, feeling amazing has always been good enough for me. However, I do appreciate that others value research to back up with sound physiology what we already know – it feels great. So read on and let’s explore some research …
Read moreFennel and Lime Dahl
Fennel and Lime Dahl Recipe
A delicious concoction of onions and garlicgentled cooked in coconut oil with turmeric infused lentils all wrapped up in a nest of liquorice scented fennel fronds.
Read moreMenopause Soiree
Testimonial April 2023
“ Thank YOU from us to yourself, Tanya (& her lovely helpers!) for such an amazing evening!
I think we were all blown away by the delicious food - explanations of the ‘how’ were much appreciated by the keen cooks amongst us! And also thanks to your brilliant presentation (and knowledge) I am sure we all took away heaps of new information regarding our hormones and future health. All in all a brilliant, sociable and relaxing evening and I would recommend it to anyone whatever stage of the menopause journey they were at.”
Read more5 Moves Towards a more Plant-based diet
5 Moves Towards a more Plant-based diet
Why would make small changes towards a plant-based diet?
Read on to get some tips on how and why we should follow a more plant-based food plan. I am not talking ‘all out veganism’ unless that is your aim then all good. But more about the personal and global responsibilities we have towards our own bodies and the planet.
A plant-based diet is one based on plants, which is very different from a vegan diet which may indeed be based on plants but is sometimes rich in processed vegan alternatives. Here we are considering how to bring wholesome and health boosting nutrients into our daily food plans and why that would be a good idea.
Read moreBroccoli and Dill Soup Recipe
Broccoli and Dill Soup
On a chilly day in Paris last weekend, I came across a little café serving this wonderfully green and comforting soup. Dill - with its name derived from the Old Norse word “dilla,” which means to soothe – is the perfect herb to add flavour to a dish in these Spring months. It is both incredibly flavoursome with its pungent taste and aroma and of great nutritional value.
Read moreRecipe - Turmeric Pomlettes with Spicy Squash
Wonderful recipe of spiced butternut squash and gluten free turmeric pancakes - perfect February supper.
Read moreRoasted Romano Pepper and Smoked Garlic Hummus
I popped into my local greengrocers the other day. When passing I always take a moment to look around and get inspired by the different fruits and veggies. Once I had spotted the smoked garlic, the unwaxed lemons and the beautiful Romano peppers I felt a hummus dish was on the menu so grabbed a purple cauliflower too for dipping and a few cans of chickpeas.
We are so lucky to have such shops on our doorstep here in Sussex. Let’s be sure to use small businesses so they can remain open!
Read moreHave you got a gut feeling that your gut needs some help?
Over the past 12 years of working with clients on digestive complaints, I find that many people have lived with poor digestive health for many years without the causative factors being looked into. Many people believe that their tummy issues are to do with food triggers. They may be avoiding certain foods such as gluten, dairy or wheat and potentially taking medications too such as Omeprazole or Gaviscon which come along with their own set of side effects.
Get your gut back to a calmer place before Christmas 2022. Read on and if this blog resonates, it is well worth getting your symptoms looked into.
I am offering a 10% discount on your first initial consultation for those booking prior to Xmas either with or without testing.
Read moreJackfruit Vegan Ragu
This recipe is based on the wonderful tomato sauce which featured in our Hurst Festival pop up in September. The sauce was used to stuff Cannelloni which was then baked with a bechamel sauce.
We were blessed to have the pasta hand-made by my colleague Tanya. If you are keen to have a go, then stay tuned as I will be posting this recipe too. However, if you are purchasing pasta instead, read on as I have included some brand tips below.
The star of the show here is jackfruit, a fruit often used in plant-based cooking to substitute the meaty texture of a fibrous meat such as pork.
Despite its reputation as a replacement for pork or chicken in many main dishes, jackfruit does not compete with these animal products in terms of protein, therefore it is important to add a plant-based protein to a jackfruit dish such as lentils or black beans.
Read moreVeg Box Soup - Beetroot and Sweet Potato
A warming autumnal soup recipe made up of seasonal and local veggies, bursting with flavour and rich in protective compounds known as phytonutrients. Swap the sweet potatoes for squash if your veggie box this week contains this root vegetable. Keep it seasonal and local :)
Read moreDip recipes from our Plant Based Lunch Workshop June 22
Try our healthy vegetarian dips from our latest pop up foodie workshop.
Read moreHormesis - A Guide to Moderate Stress
Is all stress bad stress? Learn 5 top tips to mildly stress your body with health boosting benefits. The concept of ‘hormesis’ is fascinating. All of these tips can be combined into our lives on a daily or weekly basis. Or we can visit a cleanse retreat to give ourselves a week long reminder of how good it feels. Whatever you choose, we can certainly learn a few handy tips for promoting longevity by following the ‘hormesis’ research ….
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