The Blue Zones. What can we learn from these Long-lived populations?

What can we learn from the Blue Zones. In these longevity zones, a notable number of inhabitants live well into their nineties alongside record numbers of centenarians. But it is not only the length of their lives which is striking, but the considerably lower recorded incidence of the diseases seen in the United States and other more Westernised areas of the world. Comparisons on conditions including Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are staggering

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5 tips to Curb Emotional Eating

The truth is that our natural ability to start and stop eating, involving a vast array of hormones, peptides, and stomach receptors, can be overridden by emotion.

Often powerful cravings for highly palatable foods (those containing high fats and refined sugars) or alcohol occur when we are feeling stressed. Stress encompasses heavy emotional states, loneliness, worry, self-doubt, or anxiety. The physiology behind the stress reaction involves the release of cortisol which triggers our bodies to create and crave fuel with immediacy. Sugary carbohydrates serve as a quick fix for the stress reaction therefore we may well find ourselves reaching for a sugary snack with a level of remarkable determination.

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Menopause Soiree

Testimonial April 2023

“ Thank YOU from us to yourself, Tanya (& her lovely helpers!) for such an amazing evening! 


I think we were all blown away by the delicious food - explanations of the ‘how’ were much appreciated by the keen cooks amongst us! And also thanks to your brilliant presentation (and knowledge) I am sure we all took away heaps of new information regarding our hormones and future health. All in all a brilliant, sociable and relaxing evening and I would recommend it to anyone whatever stage of the menopause journey they were at.”

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