It's day 4 - feeling incredible. Started the day with a 6.45 am walk - purely optional, I was up at 5 and ready to go so enjoyed a coastal walk. Back for a swim in the gorgeous pool at 8 and ready for my eggs and avocado plus a shot of aloe Vera and a mineral shot.
At 10 am I had an appointment to rate my heart variability - a stress response test. This is a great tool for identifying your stress intolerances, how you manage stress and using this as a focus to implement change. I'm not stressed here. Not sure I could be however others would find many stressors been when cleansing - when we give ourselves time to relax often we are flooded with worries which we had hidden away. Amchara is the perfect place to tackle this as the support system is so well thought out.
Nothing to complain about. The staff are always on hand and ensure that all is well with all their guests. There's lots to do but no obligation to do it. Space is respected.
Chia pudding - so delicious
Food is amazing - off for a sunset bike ride ...
Lots of pictures on Instagram -