I asked, “What makes you proud”? “I make me proud she said”.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week - 26 February to 4 March
I’m spending the week considering how to instil a sense of self-worth and pride in our small ones.
Topic – Being PROUD
It’s quick and easy to tell kids we are proud of them. But they also need to be proud of themselves.
How do we teach our kids to be proud of themselves? Some workable ideas:
1. The next time kid brings home a good mark or certificate or does amazingly in a game/competition, instead of saying "I'm proud," I’ll bring in "You must be proud of yourself, are you”? To open up a discussion about why, and what makes you proud.
Of course, they need still approval from their parents, teachers and peers but they need to learn to be proud of themselves. Self-esteem that comes from within gives us the tools later in life, when we spend less time with parents and elders, to be happy within – without depending on the approval of someone else which we often do as adults in a partnership.
Self-approval and independence go hand in hand.
2. Play inspiring music with PROUD lyrics.
We took this picture whilst listening to This is Me by Keala Settle, from The Greatest Showman. I watched as they danced and noted that lyrics getting the biggest fist pumps by far:
“Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me”
Kids really relate to stories about under-dogs rising up and being themselves. Stories and songs can really help to boost kid’s confidence.
3. Spending time talking to others about their journey. Elders are great for this when the reflection and nostalgia about life is positive it can have a very therapeutic affect on kids.
We spent this afternoon at Danny House in Sussex speaking to the elders about places they had lived in the 50’s and jobs they had had. My favourite moment was when they asked the kids what careers they had in mind. There was a certain air of ‘you can do anything, you have your whole life ahead of you’. The kids spoke with pride on what they may do from Marine Biology to Fashion Design.
Lovely moments of inspiration.